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Hands-On Staff Conference Held to Structure Crisis Intervention Service of Deported Adoptees

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  On June 5th, at the headquarter assembly hall, ‘Hands on Staff Conference for Structuring Crisis Intervention Service of Deported Adoptees’ was held under the supervision of Holt International. This conference was arranged to discuss the recent service problems that arose about adoptees in crisis relating to the death of deported adoptee and possible solutions.

  At the conference, along with Holt International, Bureau of Childcare Policy from Ministry of Health and Welfare, Professor Yi, Mi-seon from Department of Social Welfare of Gyeonggi College of Science and Technology, International Korean Adoptee Service Inc., Eastern Social Welfare Society, Social Welfare Society Inc., Seodaemun-Gu Office Welfare Support Team, Korea Adoption Services, Global Overseas Adoptees’ Link, Korea Social Service Inc. have participated.

  The conference examined the circumstance report of deported adoptee case and problems arising from administration and protection of adoptees in crisis, sought roles of each organization for support of deported adoptees in order, and finished with a proposal to program operation of administrating adoptees in crisis. The participants of conference and the organizations have promised to actively participate in the support of adoptees in crisis.
