“2017 Norway Adoptees Grown Overseas and Adoptee Family Visits Mother Country – 2017 Norway Family Tour”
72 participants of ‘Norway Family Tour’ (Adoptees and their families 70, tour leaders 2) marked the beginning of 2017 Mother Country Visit. This ‘Norway Family Tour’ visited Korea with about 2-week schedule from April 11th (Tues) to April 22nd (Sat). The ‘Norway Family Tour’ consisted of adoptees ranging from 8 years old to 42, and wide range of adoptees visited their mother country and participated in various events with their family.
First, on April 13th (Thurs), they visited our organization and had time to understand the background of their adoption by reviewing files and meeting their foster families. Also, they have visited Ilsan Welfare Town, toured Seoul, Busan, Gyeonju, experienced in Korean culture and participated in DMZ tour.